I’m JIM BOLDT and together we can Opt 4 Change!
By any measure our community is in serious decline with a very uncertain future. A recent announcement of a major plant closure next year putting 380 people out of work… a stagnant and rapidly aging population… a shrinking local economy… a fiscally conservative Town becoming void of opportunity for our children and grandchildren.
A Prosperous Town is a Healthy Town
Economic development should have been Job One for our municipal government. Unfortunately, our town has not done enough to help rebuild our economy.
Perth has not attracted a major employer like Albany International or 3M in years. With the loss of Grenville Castings, the loss of even one more of these multi-nationals would be catastrophic because we have no Plan B.
The town has not been proactive enough to protect the industries we have or have focused on economic development in any major format to make ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
Smart Management?
Policing is far and away our single largest expenditure.
Prior to my election Town Council stubbornly refused to even consider an OPP costing or have a public debate about this key service, notwithstanding studies that clearly show that a population of at least 50,000 is required to make a municipal force viable.
Honouring the promise I made during the 2010 campaign, I pressed my Council colleagues to deal with this key issue. The result… annual savings of over $1 million for the past 5 years.
Tax and Spend Mentality
Rather than rein in spending and live within our means, prior to my election in 2010, Council had habitually increased spending and blissfully forced taxpayers to pick up the tab.
Before I was elected, annual tax increases of almost 10%, or 7 times the rate of inflation, were business as usual for Town Council. Since I got to Town Hall, tax increases have averaged less than 1.7% annually, which is less than the annual rate of inflation!
Those Councillors who presided over the spending spree before I arrived now preach fiscal responsibility. For all of our sakes, I am glad I was able to convert them.